Possible Questions in Research Defense and How to answer them

For some reason, many get stuttered when they have their research defense. Either they do not know how to answer the questions being asked to them, or they are being overwhelmed by fear. 

This article could help you overcome it and provide ways to answer some usual questions so that when you defend your research, you may become more confident in presenting it.

Possible Questions in Research Defense and How to answer them

First things first, there is no definite format or list of questions being asked in a final defense. It depends on your study, and some questions may be asked randomly. But listed below are some of the most common questions and how you should answer them.

  • Why did you choose this topic?

If your reason is personal, then tell it why. You may tell that it is one of the most relevant issues that are currently present in the community if that is the case. Also, if you choose the topic because of some gaps that need to be addressed in the given topic, then state that along with some information you have.

  • What is your study all about?

The answer is found in the background of your study. Just discuss the problem briefly and state the operational meaning. Also, it is good to be direct to the point and with conviction. 

  • How did you gather your data?

Answer it by saying what you actually did in gathering your data, which was stated in your data-gathering procedure. If you used a structured or semi-structured questionnaire, state that.

  • Is your instrument adopted or researcher-made? Why?

If you actually adopted the instrument from a previous research, mention that and explain why you use it.

  • What is the rationale of your study?

You may begin answering by providing a short background of your study, then adding details about the problems you have seen related to your topic, gaps, and then the significance of your study.

  • What are the significant findings of your study?

You can use your key findings that are aligned to your statement of the problems in answering this question. You can also support it by citing a study.

  • What are the bases of your recommendation?

One huge mistake of students is basing it on their opinions. It shouldn't be that way. It should be based instead on the actual findings.

For some reason, where you can't answer the question or you can't understand the question, you may respectfully ask for it once again. If you are having a hard time answering it, provide something that is related to it that is still within the scope of your research. Do not mention something that can make it more complicated. At the end of your statement, you may say that you would highly appreciate it if they could acquaint or enlighten you more about the topic.

There are scenarios as well wherein you will just present it, and then you will just listen about little things that need to be polished. It is not a very rare case because I've seen and heard some people who've experienced it.

So that's it. Having fear is normal, but do not let it run over you. Likewise, being confident is not bad, but too much is not good. Hope it helps you. Good luck!


McJulez is a passionate writer who loves making concise summaries, sharing valuable notes, and talking about new insights. With a background in campus journalism and a commitment to delivering experienced and reliable content, McJulez is dedicated to making this platform a community of learning and connection. facebook twitter pinterest

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