Mastering the Conversion of Fractions to Decimals: A Detailed and Free Printable Reviewer

Fractions to Decimals

Numbers have always been around us. Be it in school, the workplace, or our life as a whole, we find numbers. In this blog, we will learn how to convert fractions to decimals without using any calculator or converters online. You may have heard it already, so in this article, we will go deeper into this topic. It is essential not only for Accountancy, Business and Management (ABM) students but also for those aspiring to ace some exams that involve such topic, just like the Civil Service Exam.

What's in this article?

A. Converting fractions to decimals

B. Detailed Guide and Quick Tricks

C. Reviewer with detailed solutions

Mastering the skill of converting fractions, decimals, and percentages is essential. When you know how to convert between these forms will make it easier and more effective for you to compare values, solve problems, and interpret data. While it is true that you might not master it in one sitting, you may always view this page for step-by-step examples for converting fractions to decimals or just download the reviewer with detailed solutions at the end of this article. Mastery is the key!

Nowadays, it is effortless to use a fraction-to-decimal conversion tool or calculator online. However, in this guide, we will do it manually. Why? It is to master this topic and avoid cheating yourself. Most importantly, it is for you to learn it by heart. With this, you'll thank yourself later because when you see problems like these in the future, you might just smile and do it without any hesitation. So let's start.

Converting fractions to decimals

Generally, you may do it by simply dividing the numerator by the denominator.

Numerator - The number above the underline.

Denominator - The number below the underline.

Let's start first with proper fractions or those whose numerator is always smaller than its denominator.


1. Convert the fraction 1/4 to its decimal form.

First step: Add a decimal point and two zeros after the numerator.


Take note that you are doing it to somehow simplify the division. Use it as if it's 200, then don't forget to move the decimal point to the left later, depending on the number of zeros you add.

Second Step: Proceed with division.

You will get 0.50

2. Convert 14/56 to decimal form.

First step: Step: Add a decimal point and two zeros after the numerator


Second Step: Proceed with division.

You will get 0.25

3. Convert 9/10 to decimal.

First step: Add a decimal point and two zeros after the numerator


Again, you are doing it to somehow simplify the division. Use it as if it's 900, then just move the decimal point to the left later, depending on the number of zeros you include.

Second Step: Proceed with division.

You will get 0.90

Another method: Quick Trick

Suppose the denominator of a fraction is a power of 10 (for example, 10, 100, 1000, etc.). In this case, you will just move the decimal point to the left depending on the number of zeros in the denominator. 

In the example problem, 10 is the denominator. 

It has one "0" right? In that case, just move the numerator's decimal point to the left one time.

From 9, move the decimal point to the left for one time only, and it will become to 0.90

4. 45/100 to decimal form.

From 45, move the decimal point two times (because the denominator has two zeros), and it will become 0.45

Did you get it? Anyway, here's another one: 39/1000

From 39, move the decimal point three times (because the denominator has 3 zeros), and it will become 0.039 or 0.04

Don't get confused. Since you have to move the decimal point three times to the left, and it just happened that after the second move, there is no number already, you may add zero.

In the example, it became 0.04 because it was rounded off to the nearest cent or two decimals.

Let's proceed with improper fractions or those with larger numbers in the numerator than the denominator. Examples are 3/2, 88/16, 54/24, etc.

5. Convert 3/2 in decimal form.

First step: Add a decimal point and two zeros after the numerator


You are doing it to simplify the process.

Second Step: Proceed with division.

You will get 1.50

6. Convert 88/16 in decimal form.

88.00/16 = 5.50

7. Convert 54/24 in decimal form.

54.00/24 = 2.25

8. Convert 885/45 to decimal form

885.00/45 = 19.6666666 or 19.67

If you have noticed, the decimals are repeating. That is called a recurring decimal.

9. Convert 200/15 to decimal form.

200.00/15 = 13.333333 or 13.33

10. Convert 1 1/3 to decimal form.

Don't get threatened by the extra whole number. That is called a mixed fraction. You will just need to convert it to an improper fraction first before converting it to decimal form.

To do that, multiply the denominator to the whole number then add the numerator. The resulting number would become the new numerator.

In the example, 3 times 1 plus 1 = 4. Therefore, it is 4/3.

Again, add the decimal point and two zeros to 4.

4.00/3 = 1.33

Another method: Quick trick

Set aside the whole number. Then, just divide the remaining fraction. 

Let's apply it in the given example: 1 1/3. Set aside 1 and divide the numerator (1) by the denominator (3).

That would be 1.33

This method is much easier and shorter. The purpose of showing the long method is for you to analyze how it happened.

11. Convert 8 6/15 to decimal form.

Long method: 15 times 8 plus 6 = 126. Therefore, it becomes 126/15.

126.00/15 = 8.40

Quick method: Set aside 8, and divide 6 by 15. Then combine. That will become 8.40

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McJulez is a passionate writer who loves making concise summaries, sharing valuable notes, and talking about new insights. With a background in campus journalism and a commitment to delivering experienced and reliable content, McJulez is dedicated to making this platform a community of learning and connection. facebook twitter pinterest

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