16 Essential Tips for Incoming High School Students from a Graduate

I get it when you feel anxious about the transition to senior high school because I've been there, too, and felt the same way. With the new environment, more people coming from different walks of life, more challenging classes, and the imminent prospect of the final two years in high school are just so overwhelming.

Like when I was in my SHS years, I had to adjust a lot. I entered a new environment that seemed a hundred times bigger or more than my previous school. I still remember feeling embarrassed during enrollment because of something hurtful, but I did not hold a grudge.

As they say, challenges and opportunities lie ahead. And here I am; I survived all of it. If there's one thing I am proud of, that would be my experiences. I achieved something I never thought I could, and now, I am sharing with you the things I wished I had known before entering senior high school.

16 Essential Tips for Incoming High School Students from a Graduate

I listed 16 well-crafted and essential tips in this article. It will help and guide you towards achieving academic growth and success while ensuring you will still experience the best of the best despite the long list of tasks you will soon face.

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Selecting a Strand

Tip #1: Understand the various strands available 

Do your research regarding the strands offered in the school you will enter. Assess each one based on what you think most suits you and your skills.

Tip #2: Choose the right strand based on your own interests and future goals

You are your own captain in this vast sea called life. With this phrase, it means that you should be the one who will choose a strand that best suits your interests and aspirations.

Big no-no: choosing a strand because of someone else's influence. Again, choose a path where you can find yourself happy. If it's what your parents want for you, try to explain first why you really like to select a different strand, which you know is best for you.

Tip #3: Explore more things about your chosen strand

Once you already have an idea of what strand you will take, it's time for you to explore more things related to that strand. For example, follow certain users on social media who share relevant information and watch their videos for guidance and more information.

Essential Tips for Incoming Senior High School Students

Personal Organization and Preparation

Tip #4: Embrace positivity

Start practicing a positive mindset for success. Know that senior high school is an upgraded version of junior high school. This is a preparation ground for college. Therefore, learn to cope with new responsibilities and manage expectations while embracing positivity.

Tip #5 Develop effective time management skills

Senior high school is more hectic than junior high school; if we say hectic, you should take it seriously. It's not always, though, but just take a little time doing leisure. You can still do things that make you happy and relaxed without putting your academic tasks on the verge of a cliff. The solution? Time management!

Tip #6: Set goals and create a study plan

It is much easier to do things, and you will still have time to enjoy if you have set your goals for a particular day. Say, you created a study plan. You need to follow it so that once you finish everything you put in it, you can decide what you will do after completing them all.

It's not true when they say you can't find time to enjoy. Here's the truth: it's true when you choose to do other errands or things first instead of finishing a particular task when you can finish it directly. Well, it's normal for us to have the so-called "mañana habit," but like I said, delaying things when you can finish them now will not help.

Tip #7: Be organized

When you are the type of person, who doesn't even take the time to organize study materials for each subject before, well then, start practicing it now. You may not want to forget something crucial for that subject. For example, you have chosen the STEM or ABM strand. Know that calculators in these two strands are of great importance. When we say essential, that's 100% vital. So always check your bag before and after school to ensure. But anyway, don't overthink it.

Resources and Supplies

Tip #8: Invest in a sturdy bag 

I understand if you like going with the trend. But here's the thing: you can activate your fashion side while ensuring that your bag and other school supplies are of excellent quality and budget-friendly. Some affordable products offer both quality and design, so invest in those things to ensure you'll get the best of it even when you need to bring many things.

MAH Siro Backpack is a go-to school bag. It has excellent quality and a minimalistic design that truly serves its purpose. The shoulder straps are also very comfy, so if you have a laptop with a size of 15.6 inches, this bag can accommodate that without causing a harsh feeling on your shoulders. Plus, you don't need to buy a new backpack yearly because of its sturdiness.

Tip #9: Have a quality pencil case and pens that don't smudge

I get it when some students like borrowing pens from others or just picking a left pen on the floor or top of the desks. Well, that exists and is happening. But let us not tolerate that thing. Instead, get yourself a quality pencil case to store your pens. This one from SemiArt is a sulit deal.

Speaking of pens, what's the use of a pencil case without pens, right? So get yourself some quality yet affordable pens too. One of the pens I like is the Deli Gel Pen SetIt doesn't smudge because it dries fast. What is lovely about it is its affordability.

Once it runs out of ink, you may buy refill inks. This one: Deli Gel Pen, is from the same brand, so that you would get the same quality and experience.

Tip #10: Use sticky notes for better retention of information and page markers for easier flipping of certain pages

If you need help reading lengthy textbooks and other printed materials, use sticky notes to write vital points during a discussion. Deli Sticky Notes Set will save you time organizing essential information and is also handy. 

It can be pinned or pasted on your study wall inside your room so that every time you're inside your room, you can also take a look at them and will remember those things. It will significantly help when preparing for a quiz or exam.

Tip #11: Stay hydrated all the time 

Water is of great essence in our life, so to ensure you are always hydrated, get yourself a tumbler. Aquaflask tumblers are not only of excellent proven quality but also trendy. They will keep you become refreshed all the time. Note that you can also think better when you're hydrated. It's pretty pricey for some, but you get what you paid for.

Tip #12 Secure a quality calculator 

I know that feeling where every person in your room seemed to be having a contest on who has the noisiest calculator-from typing numbers to falling off calculators; just kidding.

I took Accountancy, Business and Management strand in SHS and Accountancy in college, and guess what? I just used this calculator ever since. It's the CASIO Calculator MX-12BPromise, it's been six years since I have had it, and until now, it is still functioning and working like a charm. Proper care is the key.

Suppose you are in the STEM strand and other strands that require more complex ones, such as scientific calculators. In that case, I also suggest one from CASIO since it is a trusted brand. My sister is currently taking the STEM strand and using a scientific calculator from CASIO.

Essential Tips for Incoming Senior High School Students

School events, clubs and activities

Tip #13 Do not be a killjoy

Being a killjoy is the number one enemy to enjoying a one-of-a-kind senior high school experience. Yes, you read it right. I know it feels different for each of us, and we all have our reasons. But I'd like to share with you my experience. I am an ambivert, and I am quite shy about joining some activities before.

Here's the thing: expect that you will have many activities on special events such as foundation day, Buwan ng Wika, where you will perform Sabayang Pagbigkas and the like. There are also festival dances in the Physical Education subject. As someone who is not fond of dancing, I pushed myself. I tried to catch up not just for grades but also for the experience because, as I said, I had never experienced this before.

And oh, I just remembered the folk dances. I was just teased by my classmates when it was our time to perform, so I gave my best to enjoy while doing the performance task, and after it, I was recognized as part of the best performers. I am saying it not to brag but to boost your self-esteem and for you to be confident as well. Just try it; you'll see and enjoy it.

Tip #14: Join as many clubs as you want 

It is another must-do recommendation I can give. Depending on how you manage your time and all other stuff, I encourage you to join clubs where you can share skills and passion and where you can be an inspiration for others. It's fulfilling to see that you're growing and building your leadership skills while enjoying numerous beautiful experiences with other students with the same passion as yours.

Again, I learned to step out of my comfort zone. Trying things I hadn't done before was a bold move, and my anxiety turned into enjoyment. There are some embarrassing moments, but that's part of growing up. After all these years, I have had a great SHS experience.

Essential Tips for Incoming Senior High School Students

Time Management and Sleep

Tip #15: Make use of planners and apply some learning techniques 

Have you heard about the Pomodoro technique? It's a method where you set a time, usually about 25 minutes, to focus on your current task, after which you'll take a break, usually about five minutes. Then, you're going to repeat the same process. You may use your phone, but here's a more effective method: use a small clock or timer like Manggo's Study Timer to avoid getting tempted by your phone. 

If you are a person who loves writing things down, a planner like this one from N.Crew is an excellent tool for you. You can write schedules and deadlines, among other things, and stick with them. What is good about it is that it will keep you updated. You can also pin it on your study board or place it somewhere else you always look at it.

I have great news. I made some before, and you can download it for free. All you have to do is print them. Here it is:

Free Printable Planners

free printable materials for your studies

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Tip #16: Have a quality sleep 

Do not deprive yourself of enough sleep. You may get exhausted due to seemingly unending tasks, assignments, quizzes, and exams, but you should still prioritize your health. Suppose you aim to have excellent results and fulfill that academic validation you've ever wanted, which others might need help understanding. In that case, you should take a little break or nap when tired. Just continue again after gaining energy. How would you attain that goal if you were putting yourself at risk? So one effective method is to assess yourself and find the most effective sleeping schedule that works for you and then stick with it.

I suggest this Manggo's Study Timer if you need an alarm clock.

Sample Research Topics and Titles

As early as now, explore possible research topics and titles for your research.

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From preparing oneself to be better equipped with more knowledge and skills in the upcoming school year to having the essential school supplies needed for more organized note-taking, you are ready and excited to bring a better version of yourself.

Again, staying motivated and determined in your studies is crucial without taking away your leisure time. You can excel both in academics and social life, which can be achieved with proper time management and other things mentioned in this blog.

Lastly, I encourage you to maximize your high school experience. It's just once in your lifetime, so don't be a killjoy. Good luck, incoming senior high school students!


McJulez is a passionate writer who loves making concise summaries, sharing valuable notes, and talking about new insights. With a background in campus journalism and a commitment to delivering experienced and reliable content, McJulez is dedicated to making this platform a community of learning and connection. facebook twitter pinterest

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