Spreading Kindness: An Example of Essay


When a series of hate-filled rocks try to shoot you down in life, dodge it with kindness.

Not everyone in the world is on the same page as you. Some are too close-minded and only highlight what you cannot do and your imperfections. Though the world is filled with people like that, one should always choose to be kind in a situation where his or her patience and values are tested.

Let's say you have friends. When at the very moment you need them the most or when someone else is doing something to you that is not nice, and those people who were supposed to be your friends didn't help you at all, stop being friends with these people. Who knows, they might have been laughing at you when you were down.

There is no reason to have friends who are afraid to stand up for you. 

Be Kind
Probably out of worry for their own safety, those supposed to be your friends have fled. But if they aren't there for you while you're going through a rough patch, why should they get to enjoy the good times with you? Cut ties with them and seek some dependable companions. Many deceptive friends would laugh at your downfall moments, but one true friend would be by your side and stand up for you. It is because a true friend is one who is there no matter what comes their way. He or she is there for you when things aren't going so great and will remain at your side even when you have nothing. It's something that makes you feel loved, not just on a particular day, but every single day.

On the other hand, some people's behaviors do not seem to deserve kindness due to what they are doing and showing to other people. But this does not mean they no longer deserve kindness. We are just human beings, and everyone can change. Just don't take it for granted because trust is fragile. If you are given another chance, you're lucky. So, do good and change for the better.

Considering the same scenario, it does not imply, however, that you must treat them the same thing they did to you. My own belief is that one of the most revealing indicators of someone's character is how they treat others who aren't in their immediate social circle. Sometimes, their treatment of others is not the same as how they treat specific people. 

Anyway, it does not imply also that one should be more empathetic toward others who aren't. 


A minimal standard of conduct must be established and maintained even in the face of the worst of individuals. So again, when others throw rocks at you, do not throw back those rocks. Instead, help them and teach them to eliminate the hatred in their heart. Because nothing can compensate for living a life that is not filled with hate and insecurities.

At the end of the day, kindness matters. Each individual needs to be treated with care and respect, regardless of their characteristics or traits. If the way they treat us is something that is not good enough, then so be it. Do not do the same. Instead, focus on growing. Most importantly, we should focus on living our lives to the fullest and always remember to be kind and treat everyone the same way we want to experience it.

Let kindness pervade the atmosphere. Let it grow in everyone's heart, and I hope this blog kindles that fire of passion within you. Thank you!

In a world where you can become anything, always choose to have a kind heart.


McJulez is a passionate writer who loves making concise summaries, sharing valuable notes, and talking about new insights. With a background in campus journalism and a commitment to delivering experienced and reliable content, McJulez is dedicated to making this platform a community of learning and connection. facebook twitter pinterest

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