Must Have Tools for Research Study

Research Tools

A friendly guide to making a research study more effective and efficient is laid out in this blog. We recognize that conducting a research study may be a time-consuming and challenging endeavor. But don't worry, as this article will provide some information and resources you will need in doing your research study.

It cannot be denied that conducting a research study may be a time-consuming and challenging thing. The process might be draining, from acquiring data to assessing outcomes and writing well-structured research. Anyway, these internet tools may facilitate and improve the process of conducting it.

Although research might be intimidating, it is an integral part of academic development since it adds to our knowledge and understanding of various disciplines. As a student researcher doing the study, you may use the following tools to improve the experience and increase your productivity. 

Google Scholar - It helps you in researching scholarly articles and works best especially when finding some review of related literature for your research.

It is indeed a life-saver because it is more organized. It allows us to search articles that are related to the one that we are looking for. Not only that, but it also provides the number of times an article has been cited and by whom, and also provides citations for the articles that we've seen not just in one style, but a number of styles. 

  • Access to a large library of scholarly publications and research papers from a wide range of academic areas.
  • Aids researchers in locating relevant and trustworthy sources for their literature review and study.
  • Allows you to check how many times an article has been mentioned, which helps you determine its effect and reliability.
  • Users can browse related articles to have a better grasp of the issue.
  • Provides citations in a variety of forms to meet a variety of academic standards.
  • To read the full text of some articles, a membership or payment may be required, limiting the availability of specific resources.
  • The search algorithm may return outdated articles, requiring thorough screening by users.
  • Although it generates citations in a variety of formats, users may need to double-check and fine-tune the correctness of the created citations.

Zotero - It is an app that is for free.  This tool would help you organize, collect, cite your research, among others. 

Aside from the fact that it is free, it contains features you will love such as multiple collections, ease of switching citation styles, and the capacity to tag citations with tags that you can customize. The best part also is that you can find the notes, citations, and even annotated pdf copies in one place and that place is this app itself. 


  • A practical and easy-to-use tool for organizing, managing, and referencing research resources.
  • The option to establish several collections makes it simple to organize materials linked to different projects.
  • Switches citation formats seamlessly, saving time for researchers with varied citation needs.
  • Customizable tags allow for rapid and straightforward citation classification.


  • Although the tool is free, some advanced features may necessitate a paid version or subscriptions, limiting access to certain functionalities.
  • Synchronization among devices may necessitate an internet connection, which may be a hindrance in some cases.
  • While efficient, the user interface may take some time for new users to get used to.

Research Tools

PLText - It is a plagiarism checker tool, which deep searches and gives color grading feedback, with a high-speed plag recognition. 

This is like any other plagiarism detector. However, it is the world's first plagiarism check & remover tool according to the web. It uses AI deep check to look for any duplicate content from the text you provided.


  • Provides a high-speed plagiarism detection mechanism, allowing for rapid and accurate plagiarism checks.
  • Color grading feedback is provided, making it simple for users to evaluate the degree of suspected plagiarism.
  • Can be a useful tool for educators and researchers to guarantee academic writing is unique.


  • The free version may include restrictions.
  • False positives and false negatives may occur, like with any plagiarism detector, necessitating manual verification of results.
  • Advanced functionality, such as full plagiarism removal, may need the purchase of a premium edition or additional fees.

Google Docs - you probably heard it or has been using it, but this free online site by Google is absolutely a great site that helps in various types of needs. Let's have doing research, for example. Listed below are the pros and cons.


  • It allows collaborative writing.
  • You can share the documents quickly and conveniently with your groupmates.
  • There is an auto-save system and version history where you can easily track changes made. It can be accessed anywhere since it's cloud-based. 
  • You can write comments and suggestions with your groupmates on areas that you think need further editing so that you will quickly see them when you continue your work. 
  • You may insert links to various online sources, which helps organize references. It is filled with various formatting tools for styling your texts and other things suitable for most academic writings.


  • While it's true that there are many formatting options, the need for more complex formatting may not be done using it. 
  • It requires internet connectivity and is available offline, but with some limitations. 
  • Since it's cloud-based and can be easily shared, somebody might get access to it if they have the link and access, so make sure to only allow access to your group members.

There you have a few of the best tools out there that may help you in fulfilling your research study. As we end this friendly guidance, we encourage you to approach research confidently and passionately. Fear not; you have the skills and information to quickly cross the research world. The process is time-consuming but also a chance for personal growth, discovery, and fulfillment.

So, when you begin your research, remember that research is not only an obligation but also a road to improved understanding and skill. 


McJulez is a passionate writer who loves making concise summaries, sharing valuable notes, and talking about new insights. With a background in campus journalism and a commitment to delivering experienced and reliable content, McJulez is dedicated to making this platform a community of learning and connection. facebook twitter pinterest

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