Different Science Process Skills: Observing, Predicting, Inferring, Classifying, Measuring, and Communicating

Basic Process Skills and Attitude Toward Science

Science is known as a systematized body of knowledge. As we know, science does not only involve dealing with facts and phenomena. It is also a process that applies critical thinking and problem-solving.

As we answer what the different science process skills mean, let us identify what these are and let us also give the definition of each skill. Note that they can be considered skills crucial for scientific exploration.

These skills are observing, predicting, inferring, classifying, measuring, and communicating.

Science Process


Observing involves using our senses to gather information about the world around us. Whether you're studying the behavior of ants, the growth of plants, or the reaction of chemicals in a lab, keen observation is crucial. 

It's about noticing details, noting patterns, and being curious. Scientists often use microscopes, telescopes, or sensors to enhance their observation skills.


Prediction is like anticipating the future based on your past observations. It is about making educated guesses about what might happen next. 

When you predict, you use your knowledge and experience to expect outcomes. For instance, if you have observed that plants grow toward the sunlight, you can indicate that a potted plant placed near a window will lean toward the light source.


Inferring is closely related to observing and predicting. It involves drawing logical conclusions from the information you have. 

When you infer, you connect the dots between your observations and predictions. For example, if you see dark clouds forming in the sky, you might assume it will likely rain soon. 

In science, inferring is critical for making sense of data and forming hypotheses.


Classifying is all about collecting information into categories based on shared characteristics. It helps simplify complicated information and make it more legible. 

Think of it as creating a filing system for data. For instance, in biology, living organisms would be classified into kingdoms, phyla, and species based on their characteristics and evolutionary relationships.


Measurement is the foundation of quantitative science. It involves using standardized units to describe the properties of objects or phenomena. 

Whether the area of a room you are measuring, the room temperature, or the weight of an object, accurate measurements are necessary for scientific accuracy. 

Common measurement tools include rulers, thermometers, and scales for accurate measurements.


Communication acts like a bridge that connects facts and discoveries to the world. It involves sharing the findings, methods, and conclusions with others. 

Effective communication is crucial in science to ensure that research can be validated, built upon by other scientists, and make available for comparative studies. 

Communicating such information may include writing research papers, giving presentations, and using clear and concise language to convey intricate ideas, findings, and the like.


In our world, where science can be deemed as a fascinating subject that explores anything around us to get meanings and gain understanding, observing, predicting, inferring, classifying, measuring, and communicating are the keys that help in doing such endeavors. 

These science process skills help us explore the unknown, solve complicated problems, and make informed decisions. As we develop these skills, we venture on a lifelong journey of finding and discovery that augments and add up to our understanding of the world. As such, it invites us to participate actively in the scientific community. 

Frequently Asked Questions or FAQs

What are the different science process skills?

The different science process skills are observing, predicting, inferring, classifying, measuring, and communicating.

Why Are Science Process Skills Important?

Science process skills are considered the building blocks of scientific inquiry. They help individuals in exploring, understanding, and contributing to the systematized body of scientific knowledge.



McJulez is a passionate writer who loves making concise summaries, sharing valuable notes, and talking about new insights. With a background in campus journalism and a commitment to delivering experienced and reliable content, McJulez is dedicated to making this platform a community of learning and connection. facebook twitter pinterest

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