Research Topics for STEM Students and Sample Titles

STEM Research Topics

In Senior High School, having research is not just a requirement that needs to be done and submitted on time. It is a journey of discovery, growth, and knowledge acquisition. Such a requirement is necessary because it offers many lessons and insights that go beyond the classroom. This is your opportunity as an SHS student to expand your horizons, cultivate critical thinking and foster personal growth.

Introduction to Research 

It's not just about collecting facts and figures and interpreting them. It's about researching topics that ignite passion, too. It allows students to discover answers to questions that genuinely intrigue them, enabling them to connect with their curiosity on a deeper level.

It is a good subject because research hones the critical thinking skills of individuals.

These skills transcend the classroom, and we can also apply them in our everyday life. Indeed, it empowers students to make informed decisions and navigate the vast ocean of information available today, so don't be afraid of it nor feel bad about it, because whether you like it or like it, you're going to have it.

Now, if you are here for ideas in making a title for your research about Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics, you are in the right place. The following might help you get a concept about some qualitative research topics for the STEM strand. Listed below also contain sample quantitative research topics for STEM.

It is worth noting that conducting research is a great responsibility because it is a crucial school requirement. It is something you cannot refuse to do because you need to do it.

In this article, quantitative and qualitative research topic ideas for STEM students and their corresponding research titles are listed below to help you come up with your own. Note that these are just mere guides and should not be used as it is. 


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Qualitative and Quantitative Research Topics and Titles for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Strand

Under the STEM strand, the qualitative and quantitative research topics are science, experiments, mathematics, engineering, and the like. The following are sample research topics and titles.

Learning Strategy and Learning Beliefs
Sample Title:
Learning Strategy and Learning Beliefs of STEM Students

Symmetrical Patterns
Sample Title:
Symmetrical Patterns of Selected Houses in Barangay Example

Data Connectivity
Sample Title:
Status of Data Connectivity of STEM Students of Example School

Learning Strategies
Sample Title:
Learning Strategies of STEM Students of Example School

Please note that these topics and titles are just samples.

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You just read some of the most well-crafted quantitative research topics for stem students ever published on this site. It may be common for some, but you may use them to formulate a better one that will suit your taste and interest.

As for this post, the objective is to list examples of it, which would help you have an idea regarding the research being done by STEM students like you.

Anyway, research is more than an academic requirement that you need to finish and submit on time. Believe me, it is a fun journey that promotes growth and learning, especially the experimental research topics for stem students. By immersing yourselves in topics of interest, you will discover your passions, strengths, and areas of growth.

Research Tools


The process of choosing a research topic, asking questions, and finding answers may be difficult, and oftentimes, the most difficult thing in this process as perceived by students. However, through individuals' curiosity and determination to find answers, it will lead to a better understanding of one's own preferences and area of focus.

Indeed, conducting research strengthens communication skills because your communication skills are really honed as you write research papers, prepare presentations, and defend them.

Before ending this article, please understand that conducting research is a transformative journey for senior high school students. It feeds curiosity and sharpens critical thinking at the same time. This pursuit enriches your educational experience and prepares you for today's modern world. So, embrace and learn to love it. You'll soon appreciate its importance.


McJulez is a passionate writer who loves making concise summaries, sharing valuable notes, and talking about new insights. With a background in campus journalism and a commitment to delivering experienced and reliable content, McJulez is dedicated to making this platform a community of learning and connection. facebook twitter pinterest

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