5 Things You Need to Know about Accountancy, Business, and Management Strand

Things about ABM

It was in my 9th grade when we were given a test called National Career Assessment Examination or NCAE. I did not prepare for it, but I took it seriously during the exam proper.

Since Math has been my favorite subject ever since so, when we received the results, I did not wonder why it was the subject where I got my highest rating. Aside from testing what you know and what you like, this test aims to assess the students on what career they are fit for based on their answers.

Guess what? The results recommended that I pursue Accountancy, Business, and Management strand, which is exactly what I had chosen when I entered Senior High School. So if you are still on 9th grade or prior to it, you should take the NCAE seriously to help you decide which strand is best for you. 

On the other side, if you ahave just completed Junior High School and reading some articles about it because you are still undecided as to what strand you are going to take, there is an infographic explaining why you should take ABM if you have those things.

The first question is, are you interested in a career that involves numbers, strategy, and analysis? The Accountancy, Business, and Management strand best suits those interests. 

This versatile academic strand will equip you with essential knowledge and skills to excel in finance, entrepreneurship, and organizational management. So expect that you are going to deal with a lot of numbers and of course, analization. If you have it both, then you're good to go and choose this. Anyway, here is an infographic to visually present the facts to you.

Things about ABM

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Here are the Five Things to Know about Accountancy, Business and Management Stand.

1. Mastering the Language of Business 

At the core of this strand lies accounting principles. Students learn to record financial transactions, prepare financial statements, and analyze business data.

You would learn that the language of business is Accounting. As the details imply, you are going to analyze business transactions, then record them and complete the whole accounting process. To cut it short, the first thing that this strand requires is analyzation skills. So if you like analyzing things and the like, consider this strand.

2. The Art of Entrepreneurship 

Students explore the world of entrepreneurship, understanding how to develop innovative business ideas, create business plans, and execute successful ventures.

With this information, it tells that you are going to have a lot of activities involving business topics. You will experience making a product and selling it. So if you are business-minded and like having engaged with business, ABM might be for you.

3. Nurturing Management Skills 

Effective management is essential for any organization's success. Through this strand, students learn management principles, organizational behavior, and leadership strategies.

Being organized is one of the steps towards choosing this strand. Don't get me wrong. It doesn't mean that you can't take it already if you are not good enough at managing things. Know that such a thing can be learned, but if you're already good at management and organization, it's an advantage to choose ABM.

4. Embracing the Digital Age 

In today's technology-driven world, proficiency in digital tools and applications is crucial. Students learn how to leverage technology for financial analysis, market research, and business operations.

Do you know how to use some Microsoft Software? Well, that's a great thing because you are going to use Microsoft Excel here for some computations and the like. So if you like such a thing, it's also a good choice to consider when entering this strand. In fact, having much knowledge of Excel is advantageous in the business world.

5. Real-world Exposure 

Accountancy, Business, and Management students don't just learn from textbooks. Many institutions offer opportunities for internships and on-the-job training, enabling students to gain practical experience in actual business environments.

If you have all these traits and have been considering ABM as your preferred SHS strand, this is the sign to absolutely pick it. I tell you, based on my experience, it is an excellent strand. You'll love it.

Just in case you are wondering about the courses you may pursue in college if you undergo this strand, here's a list of the courses you may take:

  • Accountancy
  • Business Administration
  • Financial Management
  • Marketing Management
  • Human Resource Management
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Economics
  • Financial Accounting and Auditing
  • International Business
  • Business Analytics
  • Management Information Systems
  • Operations Management
  • and many more

Note that just because your dream course in college is not listed here doesn't mean ABM is not for you. Know that what are listed are just the common courses ABM graduates take when entering college. The fact is, whatever strand you finish, you can freely choose what you are going to take in college. It's just that it is more of an advantage when your dream course is aligned with what you have taken in Senior High School because you would already have an idea of the things that are crucial in the course you're going to enter.

Junior High School Notes


McJulez is a passionate writer who loves making concise summaries, sharing valuable notes, and talking about new insights. With a background in campus journalism and a commitment to delivering experienced and reliable content, McJulez is dedicated to making this platform a community of learning and connection. facebook twitter pinterest

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